Thornton Dale C of E Primary School

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Badger Class is made up of Year 6 children.

In Badger Class, we aim to truly inspire our children, igniting a learning passion and developing learning for life.

Children in Year 6 are the greatest of role models not only to their peers but also to the younger children within school. Within Year 6 there are lots of opportunities for the children to take on leadership roles in order to make Thornton Dale the best school that it can possibly be. Through lots of stimulating learning, we aim to provide the children with the happiest of memories before setting sail for their next adventure!

You can read our Year 6 Curriculum map here


Here are a few photos of our lovely learning environment: 

Here is a copy of the weekly timetable for Badgers.

Spring 1 Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organiser: Art

Knowledge Organiser: History

Knowledge Organiser: Religious Education

Knowledge Organiser: Science