We achieved the gold Healthy Schools award for our delivery of high quality PSHE and PE to support the wellbeing and health of all our pupils and staff - December 2024.
Click here to see our PSHE and RSE policy
Our Intent
Our intent for our PSHE and RSE approach forms a huge part of our belief that children need to feel safe and happy in order to learn and achieve their absolute best potential.
Our PSHE and RSE curriculum is designed specifically for our children, considering our school's context and Christian distinctiveness. It aims to embed safe practices as well as happiness, self-confidence and self-esteem.
We have developed our PSHE and RSE curriculum by using the PSHE Association’s questions and resources. Through the big questions posed, we aim to develop children’s self-awareness, positive self-esteem, and confidence to enable them to:
- understand how to have a healthy lifestyle
- identify risks and keep themselves and others safe
- develop their social skills
- have worthwhile and fulfilling relationships
- respect and celebrate the differences between people
- develop independence and responsibility
- play an active role as members of a democratic society
- celebrate their own and others’ abilities
- identify and manage their feelings
- develop their self-awareness
We inspire and engage our children through relevant and real-life examples that support their understanding of the PSHE and RSE curriculum. Children develop their understanding of the values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Tolerance, Mutual Respect and Individual Liberty.
A safe and happy environment allows children to pose questions and participate in sensitive discussions. A positive culture is created to ensure that children can identify and understand differences in others.
Our Implementation
- In EYFS, PSHE and RSE is taught through the PSED curriculum: Building Relationships, Managing Self and Self-Regulation. Children are supported through their play by highly skilled adults who scaffold and support children to solve problems, care for one another and manage their risks.
- Relationships education, like our PSHE curriculum, is embedded in the teaching of our wider curriculum.
- RSE is taught through our values and ethos as a school, as well as underpinning our behaviour policy. Aspects of Health and Well-being are taught in the science curriculum and then revisited through dedicated RSE/PSHE teaching.
- The RSE and PSHE curriculum is mapped from Personal, Social, Emotional Development in EYFS to Year 6. The curriculum progresses each year (See curriculum progression document and PSHE/RSE policy).
- Relationships education focuses on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships including: Families and people who care for me; Caring friendships; Respectful relationships; Online relationships; Being safe
There are regular opportunities for discussion based tasks as well as moments for recorded learning and reflection.
Our impact
- Children are self aware and not afraid to express their own individuality.
- Children are sensitive and respectful of others and their differences.
- Children are skilled at managing issues in their own lives and are resilient when doing so.
- Children have a deep moral understanding of the impact of their actions on others.
- Children use their debate skills across the curriculum, demonstrating respect and sensitivity.
RSE and PSHE is regularly monitored by our RSE/PSHE subject Lead, Jessica Corton.